Sunday, October 20, 2013

Twitter #Music App Likely To Disappear Due To Poor Download Numbers

Originally published on PopWrapped.  20 October 2013.

If like me, you had completely forgotten Twitter’s #Music even existed, it will be no surprise to learn that the service may soon be closing. A report from AllThingsD says the mobile app is on the outs because of “abysmal” download numbers.
Launched only six months ago, Twitter #Music helps users discover new music based on the artists they follow, Twitter trends, and network activity. Poor integration is being partially blamed for the app’s failure to retain users’ interest. Also likely to blame are the multitude of other music apps at everyone’s fingertips, such as Spotify, iTunes Radio, Rdio and Pandora, to name a few.
As for those low download numbers, the app has been declining ever since its release in April. Peaking at number six back then, its popularity has plummeted to well out of the top 100 in its category.
As a Mashable article pointed out, it is worth noting that Twitter #Music hasn’t received an iOS 7 update yet. This is odd for several reasons, including that iOS 7’s iTunes Radio has Twitter #Music stations. Perhaps this is just another sign that the social networking company is not yet ready to tackle the task of a music app.

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