After weeks of focusing on the extended family of the Charmings, last week we got a great character study of Rumple/Gold. This Sunday we’re just a lucky to get a Regina centered episode.
We open with Hook tied up in the clock tower with Tamara and Owen/Greg (Oweg? Growen? Owengreg?). The charming swashbuckler is being offered a Bad Guy for Hire job. The pirate sees nothing in it for him saying smugly that he already killed Rumplestiltskin so his job’s done. Not so fast, they say. We get our one and only glimpse of the episode of Mr. Gold, looking very happy with racy Lacey on his arm.
Hook is less than pleased that his crocodile still lives and possibly that he’s now with a hot young woman who is turned on by his evilness. Oweg wants Hook to find his father, via Regina, and in return Hook will be given the duos power to defeat magical creatures. Do they mean the fancy TAZER? Whatever it is, Hook agrees.
Speaking of the Mayor/Queen, she overhears the Charmings, who are discussing how to solve a problem like Regina. The answer is, apparently, lock her in Rumple’s old cell back in the Enchanted Forest. Regina isn’t having it. She decides to use the curse’s fail safe and destroy Storybrooke. Obviously.
Her first brilliant step in this plan is to tell everything to Henry who is at overjoyed that they’ll be going to the Enchanted Forest and then disgusted to hear that everyone else will die at the hands of his mom. Why did Regina think that Henry would be for this plan? Kudos to her for being honest, I guess. Or not, because after Henry tells her she’ll always be the villain, Regina wipes his memory of their conversation. Just what that kid needs, more chances to have a blank look on his face.